Government advises against wearing Apple Vision Pro while driving

1 min read

Still from a video showing a Cybertruck driver wearing an Apple Vision Pro behind the wheel

In a recent incident, the US Secretary for Transportation has emphasized the need for drivers to be “fully engaged” after footage emerged of an Apple Vision Pro being used while driving.

A Tesla driver was captured using an Apple Vision Pro while driving, prompting concern for safety. The Secretary of Transportation has released video of another worrying instance, showing a driver using intricate hand motions to control the Apple Vision Pro while driving a Tesla Cybertruck.

Unlike other Teslas, the Cybertruck does not have self-driving capabilities, making the driver’s actions especially dangerous. The footage suggests that the driver is sufficiently distracted, raising concerns about their ability to react to potential hazards on the road.

Using an Apple Vision Pro while operating a vehicle goes against the device’s support documentation, which explicitly advises against using it while driving or in other situations where attention to safety is required.

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