Reflecting on 17 Years Since Steve Jobs Unveiled the Revolutionary iPhone

2 min read

On January 9, 2007, Steve Jobs unveiled the iPhone. We remember how extraordinary and flawless this presentation was from the outside, but there is other information. On January 7, 2007, Bill Gates gave the keynote address at the Consumer Electronics Show. Then, two days later, Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone at Macworld San Francisco. This was the device for productive, creative people on the move.

The 2007 keynote is famous for how it introduced the iPhone. He showcased what cell phones used to look like, which was considered the best phones at the time. Jobs later showed a quote that said, “I would buy a Mac today if I was not working at Microsoft.” This quote was from a 2004 internal memo at Microsoft. He also ran a new ad from the Get a Mac campaign specifically aimed at Vista.

In addition to the iPhone, Jobs showcased the Apple music business. Jobs revealed that they had just passed 2 billion song sales and that the iPod had become the world’s most popular video player “by a large margin.” He also mentioned that movies had been available on iTunes. At the time, there were 100 films on the service, but Jobs announced that this would increase to 250 because Paramount was coming to iTunes.

Finally, at 24 minutes into the presentation, Jobs wanted to present the iPhone. But the clicker wasn’t working. Having successfully concluded the demo of the new iPhone, Jobs went on to talk about market share and clicked to move on to his next slide. He explained the clicker wasn’t working and told the audience that they were scrambling backstage. Steve Jobs then told a story about how Steve Wozniak had built a clicker-like device at college to mess with people’s TV reception.

When Jobs got the slides working, he said that Apple was aiming for a 1 percent share of the cell phone market, which was considered great. Using the latest 2006 figures available, Jobs said that the cell market had been around one billion phones. Apple was aiming for 10 million iPhones in the first year.

The very last thing Steve Jobs announced at this presentation 15 years ago was that the company was changing its name. On stage, he pointed out that only the first of those is…

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