Capturing Market Share: Apple Vision Pro’s Challenge

1 min read

A few days after pre-orders started, Apple Vision Pro isn’t necessarily doomed. The product is launching into a small, poorly defined category that is still in its early stages. Augmented reality and virtual reality are new technologies, and it will take a lot of work to show users their potential. The Apple Vision Pro is a standalone computing device, but it’s not very functional without the rest of Apple’s ecosystem. At $3500, it’s more expensive than many other headsets on the market, and it’s a tough sell to the average consumer. The company is also trying to shape the language around augmented and virtual reality, hoping to use the term “spatial computing” instead. Apple plans to celebrate the product’s success externally, regardless of how it performs. As for financial success, Apple can afford to wait and see how the product performs in the long run. The Apple Vision Pro has use cases, but they are not universal. It’s still too early to determine the product’s overall success, especially in comparison to competing vendors.

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